The recent crisis in the global economy caused turmoil in many of the world’s media and content markets. In Europe and North America the downturn in advertising compounded what seems to have been long-term processes of decline, particularly in mature media sectors including free-to-air broadcasting and newspaper publishing.
Advertising markets are now on the rise once more and traditional media is beginning to recapture market share, but significant questions require research. Did the recession act as a catalyst for fundamental change in media industries or were the structural problems in traditional media overstated? Does the upturn ease the pressure on managers and organizations to change how they do business, and to rethink the businesses they are in? And are there beneficial consequences from the shakeout in media industries? Has the recession fostered a reorientation along with restructuring? Are there likely to be lasting consequences? And how has the global recession impacted local media conditions and operations?
The European Media Management Education Association’s 2011 conference focused on challenges facing media managers in and after the recession. It looked at changes that have taken place and examined the responses these required from media firms. It provided a valuable opportunity to look at the different ways in which change has been manifested at both global and local levels. Two significant questions seemed especially important: are the challenges facing media organisations universal, or do they require specific national and local solutions?
The panel of reviewers gave consideration to all papers addressing the theme of the conference. Special consideration was given to international comparative studies and papers that extended theory. Potential topics of particular relevance included:
- Changing and emergent business models
- Changes in industry structures
- New challenges in resource management
- New patterns or dynamics in media investment and finance
- Entrepreneurialism and innovation
- New patterns of media consumption and implications for managers
- Emerging, changing or accelerating trends in media policy and regulation
- New developments in media marketing
- Generating revenues and managing costs
- Cultural and structural transformation