In the digital era media industries are subject to structural change of many types and varieties that create enormous challenges for media managers. The implications are profound for the future of these industries. Media businesses must establish new and sustainable forms of organisation, distribution, and revenue models appropriate under contemporary conditions. While some companies are performing remarkably well, others are struggling. Success typically hinges on an organisation’s capabilities to master new modes and methods of content production, distribution, and financing, and much of this emerges outside of established media companies. Some modes and methods prove to be more effective and sustainable while others founder.
This was the context framing the 2015 emma conference. Our thematic focus was on the economic, social and environmental sustainability of media business in the 21st century.
The following issues merited particular attention:
- Entrepreneurship in the media, including new approaches in journalism
- Organisational change management with an emphasis on sustainable structures
- Innovation in media production, both inside and outside established media institutions
- The development and applicability of the Corporate Social Responsibility framework for media business. This would include a broader interest in Media Social Responsibility
- Trends in media consumers’ behaviours and consumption patterns
- The economics of journalism today
- Challenges and opportunities keyed to developments in media technology
- The impacts of digital distribution of media content on the ecological footprint of media industries: Sustainability from the perspective of safe-guarding natural resources
- Media Business Ethics
- Marketing of media products
- Management of media brands
- The future financing and organisation of journalistic activity and journalistic products
- The development and management of public service media
Emma also welcomed submissions for all other topics, cases and areas that were relevant to research and scholarship on media management. All submissions were considered on equal grounds.